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Bermuda Sod Grass Care

Best Maintenance Practices - A guide for bermuda sod lawncare

“Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.” 

-Hal Borland, Countryman: A Summary of Belief.

During & After Installation 

proper watering is crucial - begin to water during installation as soon as possible

  • Weeks 1 and 2 - water 1/3 inch twice a day early morning & noon.

  • Weeks 3 and 4 - water your Tahoma 31 or bermuda sod grass 1” inch every other morning until well-rooted.

  • Week 5 and after - water as needed. 


Tahoma 31 bermudagrass is extremely drought tolerant, but bermudagrass does require water in times of excessive drought or in high use fields

Mowing Bermuda Grass

Tahoma 31 and bermudagrass should be mowed short and mowed frequently

  • Wait 7-10 days after installation before mowing.  

  • Do not water before mowing.

  • Remove no more than one-third of the blade.

  • Use a reel mower to maintain a cut between .75” to 1” inch. A high-quality rotary roller mower can be used if maintenance requirements of reel mowers cannot be met (Regular reel and bedknife sharpening). Keep blades sharp.

  • Mow every 2-3 days during the growing season.

  • Allow the Tahoma 31 to grow tall in the Fall to help insulate the roots from cold winters.

Bermuda Sod Mowing


  • Prior to installation apply a slow-release fertilizer at 0.9 lbs of N/1000ft direct to the soil. Install sod. 

  • Weeks 4 thru 8 - apply ¼ to ½ lb of N/1000ft each week

  • Week 9 and after - fertilize the Bermuda monthly during the growing season (May - Sept). Use ¼  to 1 lbs of N per 1000ft depending on field conditions. Lightly trafficked fields will need less fertilization than high traffic fields.


Reference University of Maryland’s Turfgrass Technical update TT-119 for more information.


  • Dethatch or aerate Bermuda grass every June (after the first year)

  • Core Aeration with sand topdressing should be done annually

  • Apply herbicide as needed using products labeled for Bermudagrass.

  • When nighttime temperatures are above 70 degrees apply a fungicide as a preventative 

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